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Monthly Archives: Maggio 2018

Legal Writing and Reasoning Prof. Heidi Brown, Brooklyn Law School. 21-22 e 28-29 maggio, San Carlo

Orario e luogo dei seminari:

21 maggio h. 15.-17, Aula 3;

22 maggio h. 11-13 sala del Consiglio;

28 maggio h. 15-17, sala del Consiglio;

29 maggio h. 11-13, sala del Consiglio.


The two weeks course on Legal Writing and Reasoning aims at:

  1. 1. Structuring a Written Legal Analysis; Reading Statutes in English; Synthesizing a Legal Rule from Statutes (the teacher will provide examples of simple and complex statutes and we will discuss how to write a clear legal rule from an unclear statute)
  2. 2. Reading Cases; Writing a Clear Summary of a Legal Case (I will provide examples of cases, and then samples of how to write Case Summaries)

As First Assignment the teacher will provide students with a “hypothetical fact pattern.” The writing assignment will be to analyze the facts, analyze the legal issue, apply the statutory rule and case law to the facts, and predict the outcome.


  1. 3. Persuasive Legal Writing (focusing on language choices, structure of a persuasive written argument)
  2. 4. Discussing Principles of Legal Rhetoric and Written Persuasion; Guidance for Clear and Powerful Legal Writing

As Second Assignment Students will write a persuasive legal argument on a particular topic. Multiple issues will be analyzed.



Class 1-2

Class 2 v2-2


Introduction to Part 2

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 8

Chapter 12

Chapter 14